Tag: Tick Removal

Caring for a Tick Bite: What to Do After Removal

vector graphic of National Lyme Disease Awareness Month ideal for National Lyme Disease Awareness Month celebration.

Removing a tick promptly and properly is crucial, but what you do after the removal is equally important for ensuring your safety and health. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what steps to take once you’ve used your Original Tick Key™ to remove a tick! Clean the Bite Area After removing the tick, you must clean… Read more »

Beyond Lyme: Acknowledging the Full Spectrum of Tick-Borne Illnesses

A graphic of a tick with multiple diseases around it.

Tick-borne diseases are a growing concern, especially with the increasing prevalence of ticks in many regions. While Lyme disease often takes center stage in discussions about tick-borne illnesses, it’s crucial to be aware of other potentially dangerous diseases transmitted by ticks. In fact, certain ticks, such as the deer tick, can transmit more than one… Read more »

Workplace Safety and Ticks

Graphic showing Nature Shield FR PRO+ Insect Repellent, the Original TickKey(TM), A TickSee Kit, and a Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test

When “workplace safety” is said, most people think of hard hats, safety vests, goggles, and gloves. And  while these are all excellent (and necessary!) additions to any workplace, it goes beyond that. More and more Workers’ Compensation claims have been filed due to tick bites and tick-borne diseases. Whether it’s due to a lack of… Read more »

How To Properly Check For Ticks

Guide on using our Tick Key!

Everyone knows that checking for ticks is important, but not everyone knows how to check for ticks properly. That’s alright! We’ve compiled a list for you that ensures the next time you need to check for ticks, you are totally prepared. First: Check Everyone and Everything! Even with proper prevention, ticks can still find their… Read more »

Misconceptions About Ticks

Close up of a tick on a finger

Ticks are a part of nature and can cause serious harm if left untreated. While it’s great to be aware, many people have misconceptions about ticks that can lead to more problems than the ticks themselves! Below are three main misconceptions about ticks to be on the lookout for! You Can Only Get Bit In… Read more »

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

Did you know that less than 30% of those diagnosed with Lyme Disease recall being bitten by a tick? Some ticks are so small, their bite is not only painless, but they can physically go undetected for days on end. What they lack in size, however, they make up for in the debilitating effects the… Read more »